“Avoid making a mountain out of a molehill at all cost ! ” ” Rai ka pahaad banana bund karo ! “

In Spanish

¡Evita hacer una montaña de un arena  a toda costa!

In Japanese


Mogura dzuka kara yama o tsukuru koto wa zettai ni sakete kudasai!

In Urdu

ہر قیمت پر ایک پہاڑی سے پہاڑ بنانے سے گریز کریں!

Swamiji says …

” It appears , at times , that man loves to create problems for himself. His life could be cruising smoothly and he could be navigating the highs and lows of the tide of time with skill and fortitude …when all of a sudden , for no rhyme or reason , he ends up responding and reacting to issues … minor , meaningless and insignificant , in the most bizarre and unexpected manner. Words said by others to him , behaviour and attitude of others towards him , could disturb the peace of his mind , no end , and create unwarranted turbulence in his life. Why? Because of the negative , cascading effect of the hollowness and echo of hurtful words said by others ; and thoughts entertained for him by others ; in his mind.”

” That person spoke in a rude , brusque manner to me today ! Why did he do that?” “That person ignored me today ! He must have seen me for sure ! He did that deliberately ! Have I done something wrong ?” The latest cause of worry and anxiety is – ” That person has neither taken my call nor called me back ! What could be the reason? Am I of no relevance … no longer important to him? ” ” I heard him say ‘that’ about me …!” The list is endless.You let these words replay in your mind and get all worked up , wrought up , knotted up and let anger , seething fury , encompass your entire being on being looked through and treated like a ‘nobody’ by others.”

“Do causes , reasons or issues like the ones above need to elicit a response , a reaction from you – the mere thought of which could harm you , upset you or burn you out emotionally? Do you have to attach so much importance to the behavioral pattern that some individuals could be adopting towards you? And you are hurt , terribly and wounded grievously , emotionally , by these minor , insignificant acts. You are ready to become an emotional wreck ! Why ? What for …? There is no point in quarrelling , getting into heated discussions or arguments over flimsy issues like these. But then , you should be sure that you are not the guilty – party and do not deserve an iota of the treatment that is being meted out to you ! ”

” It is during such moments that you have to behave in a sensible , mature manner and think of a solution that could nip the problem in the bud. Solve it and settle it , before it is blown out of proportion and destroys relationships forever . Stop thinking about the issue in a very serious manner. It is not worth it , as you will not gain anything but end up losing everything … the faith , trust …that has been built painstakingly over the years. You must remember that whatever has happened , was an instance that had taken place at a past point in time , and should be done and dusted with at the earliest. It would be helpful and advantageous , if you rather , reflected on the nature of the moment that had made the other person behave in a manner considered inappropriate by you. The person could have spoken to you in a rough manner as he might have had a difficult day at home , in office etc. You could have misinterpreted the other person’s behaviour … the one who had ignored you – as indifference towards you , as it is possible that he could have been in a hurry , a great rush , to meet a client or complete an important task. The other acquaintance who didn’t take your call or return your call could be busy attending to some other agenda. Do not develop an unforgiving and cynical attitude towards people in general , just because a few people have treated you in a manner that is unacceptable to you. But in the hindsight , were they trying to convey a message to you through their behaviour.”

“Is there a shortage of problems in your existing lifestyle , that you are willing to increase them further , by making a mountain out of a molehill of everything , in everyday life situations ? Do not get so deeply involved with such ludicrous and nonsensical issues that you end up wasting precious hours of your life by thinking solely and only about them all the time.This life is meant for a greater , higher purpose.”

“Retrospect , reflect somberly …
develop tolerance , patience and deliberate on the happenings that are causing you heart – burn. Turn your mind and eyes inwards and look at your ‘inner’ self – your ‘Real’ self – and they will surely let you know who you truly are ! Do you need to improve yourself ? Correct yourself ? It is possible that you could have been making some mistakes.There is always a scope for improving yourself. So rather than repeating your mistakes , it is better to learn from them and be thankful to all those who have enabled you to check and correct yourself. The rythm of your life should not be broken by the cacophony of distracting , raucous voices rising within you , but , highlighted by the soft notes of divinity and spirituality ! It is most important for you to walk on the path of goodness and honesty in this lifetime , under the watchful , loving care of Angels. Believe me , when I say , Angels too step back when they see that the path being taken by you , deliberately , will neither see the end of the dark tunnel nor the light of day.”

Swamiji’s message translated in Spanish

“Parece que, a veces, al hombre le encanta crear problemas para sí mismo. Su vida podría estar transcurriendo sin problemas y podría estar navegando los altibajos de la marea del tiempo con habilidad y fortaleza … cuando de repente, sin razón, termina respondiendo y reaccionando a los problemas … menores, sin sentido e insignificantes, de la manera más extraña e inesperada. Las palabras que otros le dicen, el comportamiento y la actitud de los demás hacia él, podrían perturbar la paz de su mente, no terminar y crear turbulencias injustificadas en su vida. ¿Por qué? Debido al efecto negativo y en cascada del vacío y el eco de palabras hirientes dichas por otros, y pensamientos entretenidos para él por otros; en su mente “.

“¡Esa persona me habló de manera grosera y brusca hoy! ¿Por qué hizo eso?” “¡Esa persona me ignoró hoy! ¡Debe haberme visto con seguridad! ¡Lo hizo deliberadamente! ¿He hecho algo mal?” La última causa de preocupación y ansiedad es: “¡Esa persona no ha atendido mi llamada ni me ha devuelto la llamada! ¿Cuál podría ser la razón? ¿No soy relevante … ya no soy importante para él?” “Lo escuché decir ‘eso’ sobre yo …!” La lista es interminable. Dejas que estas palabras se reproduzcan en tu mente y te vuelvas loco, forjado, anudado y dejas que la ira, la furia hirviente, abarque todo tu ser al ser visto y tratado como un ‘nadie’ por los demás “.

¿Las causas, razones o problemas como los anteriores necesitan provocar una respuesta, una reacción de usted, la sola idea de que podría dañarlo, molestarlo o quemarlo emocionalmente? ¿Tiene que darle tanta importancia al patrón de comportamiento que algunas personas podrían adoptar hacia usted? Y usted está herido, terriblemente y herido gravemente, emocionalmente, por estos actos menores e insignificantes. ¡Estás listo para convertirte en un desastre emocional! Por qué ? Para qué …? No tiene sentido pelear, entrar en acaloradas discusiones o discusiones sobre temas endebles como estos. Pero entonces, ¡debes estar seguro de que no eres el culpable y no mereces ni una pizca del tratamiento que se te está dando! “

“Es durante esos momentos que tienes que comportarte de una manera sensata y madura y pensar en una solución que pueda cortar el problema de raíz. Resuélvelo y resuélvelo, antes de que se salga de la proporción y destruya las relaciones para siempre. Detente pensar en el tema de una manera muy seria. No vale la pena, ya que no ganará nada pero terminará perdiendo todo … la fe, la confianza … que se ha construido minuciosamente a lo largo de los años. Debe recordar que lo que haya sucedido, fue una instancia que tuvo lugar en un momento pasado, y que debería hacerse y desempolvarse lo antes posible. Sería útil y ventajoso, si prefieres, reflexionar sobre la naturaleza del momento que hizo que la otra persona se comportara de una manera considerada inapropiada por usted. La persona podría haber hablado con usted de manera brusca, ya que podría haber tenido un día difícil en casa, en la oficina, etc. Podría haber malinterpretado el comportamiento de la otra persona … el que lo había ignorado – como indiferencia hacia usted, ya que es posible que él haya tenido prisa, mucha prisa, para encontrarse con un cliente o completar una tarea importante. El otro conocido que no atendió su llamada ni le devolvió la llamada podría estar ocupado atendiendo alguna otra agenda. No desarrolle una actitud implacable y cínica hacia las personas en general, solo porque algunas personas lo han tratado de una manera inaceptable para usted. Pero en retrospectiva, ¿estaban tratando de transmitirle un mensaje a través de su comportamiento?

“¿Hay una escasez de problemas en su estilo de vida actual, que está dispuesto a aumentarlos aún más, haciendo una montaña de una mole de todo, en situaciones de la vida cotidiana? No se involucre tan profundamente con cuestiones tan absurdas y absurdas que terminas desperdiciando preciosas horas de tu vida pensando solo y exclusivamente en ellas todo el tiempo. Esta vida está destinada a un propósito mayor y más elevado “.

Retrospectivamente, reflexionar sombríamente …

desarrolle tolerancia, paciencia y delibere sobre los acontecimientos que le causan ardor de corazón. ¡Dirija su mente y sus ojos hacia adentro y mire su yo ‘interno’, su yo ‘Real’, y seguramente le harán saber quién es realmente! ¿Necesitas mejorarte a ti mismo? Corrija usted mismo? Es posible que haya cometido algunos errores. Siempre existe la posibilidad de mejorar usted mismo. Entonces, en lugar de repetir sus errores, es mejor aprender de ellos y agradecer a todos aquellos que le han permitido verificar y corregir usted mismo. ¡El ritmo de tu vida no debe romperse con la cacofonía de voces molestas y estridentes que se alzan dentro de ti, sino que se destacan por las suaves notas de divinidad y espiritualidad! Es muy importante que camine por el camino de la bondad y la honestidad en esta vida, bajo el cuidado atento y amoroso de los Ángeles. Créeme, cuando digo, los ángeles también retroceden cuando ven que el camino que has tomado, deliberadamente, no verá el final del túnel oscuro ni la luz del día “.

22 thoughts on ““Avoid making a mountain out of a molehill at all cost ! ” ” Rai ka pahaad banana bund karo ! “

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  1. राई का पहाड़ नहीं बनाना चाहिये, सर्वश्रेष्ठ शब्दों में उल्लेख ।
    जय स्वामीजी ।
    Life is gift and grace of Almighty.
    Gratitude Swamiji for your gracious advise.
    Jai Swami ji

  2. As elucidated by Swamiji , we should use such occasions to correct and improve ourselves rather than reacting negativity.
    Jai guru dev

  3. Thanks Swamiji for enlightening us on this !!!!!
    Om Shri Swami Ajaye Gurudevaye Namah 🙏🙏🙏

  4. This is truly what each one of us experience in our everyday’s affairs. And I think the key takeaways are ;
    1. Never react
    2. Do not get emotional
    3. Introspect
    4. Evaluate events from other person’s point of view.
    5. Forget and forgive

    Thank you Swamiji !


  5. The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think about them and how we were treated at any point in time. Don’t expect everyone to understand your journey especially if they never had to walk your path. And as Albert Einstein had said, ‘Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving’. Ignore what other people have to say about you and be self- confident and assured of your abilities.

    Swamiji, this was an eye opener. Thank you for your blessings and guidance.

    Grateful, as always.

  6. Very valuable guidance by Swami ji. Could make our lives so much simpler if we imbibe it and make it an integral part of our thinking process.


  7. Very valuable guidance by Swami ji. Could make our lives so much simpler if we imbibe it and make it an integral part of our thinking process.


  8. भ्रम में नहीं जीना चाहिए।यथार्थ को ही देखना चाहिए और उसी अनुसार कर्मों का निर्धारण हो।सच्चाई तो सच्चाई ही होती है,वह न तो सीमित की जा सकती है न ही अनावश्यक रूप से विस्तारित। झूठ का पहाड़ कितना भी बड़ा खड़ा किया जा सकता है।स्वामी जी ने हम सबको सच देखने की दिशा दी है ।
    स्वामी जी के चरणों में नमन करता हूँ।

  9. Thank you Swamiji once again for enlightening us all🙏🙏🙏 and how we can handle our sensitivity towards emotional turmoils sensibly & spiritually.. Humble Pranaam Swamiji 🙏🙏

    Tanu & Rajesh

  10. Very good and valid sandesh for all of us… especially emotional and sensitive people… thank you for reiterating this simple yet powerful fact Swamiji… Jai Ajay Guru Devaya Namaha

  11. Pranaam Swami Ji 🙏
    Your words helps me to see the truth
    Keep guiding us Swami Ji
    Wonderful article
    Thank you so much Swami Ji for reminding us ‘The Reality” in today’s fast paced life

  12. Very true Swamyji. We need your blessings to be patient & cool in all the circumstances and develop the habit of forgive, forget and move on. 🙏🙏🙏

  13. “The rhythm of your life should be highlighted by the soft notes of divinity and spirituality. It is most important for you to walk on the path of goodness and honesty in this lifetime, under the watchful, loving care of Angels “.
    What a wonderful message our beloved Swamiji has given us!!
    There is a solution to everything. We over- think and over- worry and end up creating a hell. If we refuse to learn our lessons when our small, petty issues are easily sorted out, rest assured that real mountains are coming to take the place of these molehills.
    Your divine nature is what you must cultivate. Do not allow your happiness to be conditioned by anything material. Learn to be even minded, regardless of the conditions that arise everyday. Forgiveness is more powerful than revenge. Never hate anyone. Love and forgiveness have a healing effect on yourself and on your enemies. And be grateful for all the wonderful friends God has given to you.

  14. Swamiji, your message carry some first rate learnings for us. Reflect instead of reacting, act sensibly, be mature, develop tolerance, patience is key, don’t over analyze and keep things simple are important both for your personal and professional growth. Set your life goals high and go for them unmindful of the behaviour and attitude of others towards you.
    Thank you Swamiji.

  15. Swamiji, your message carry some first rate learnings for us. Reflect instead of reacting, act sensibly, be mature, develop tolerance, patience is key, don’t over analyze and keep things simple are important both for your personal and professional growth. Set your life goals high and go for them unmindful of the behavior and attitude of others towards you. Thank you Swati ji..

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