“Learn to differentiate between those who can benefit you , take you onto the Right path and … those who are simply walking … without any purpose , without any goal …” “Sone aur lohe mein farak parakhna seekho …”

Spanish language

"Aprende a diferenciar entre aquellos que pueden beneficiarte, llevarte por el camino correcto y ... aquellos que simplemente están caminando ... sin ningún propósito, sin ningún objetivo ..." Aprende a diferenciar entre oro y hierro

Japanese language

`Anata ni rieki o motarasu koto ga dekiru hito, anata o tadashī michi ni tsureteiku hito,… tan'ni aruite iru hito,… mokuteki nashi, mokuhyō nashi… o kubetsu suru koto o manabu'-kin to tetsu o kubetsu suru koto o manabu

Urdu language

"ان لوگوں کے درمیان فرق کرنا سیکھیں جو آپ کو فائدہ دے سکتے ہیں ، آپ کو سیدھے راستے پر لے جا take اور… جو محض چل رہے ہیں… بغیر کسی مقصد کے ، بغیر کسی مقصد کے…" سونے اور لوہے میں فرق کرنا سیکھیں

Swamiji says …

” The journey of life is very interesting , intriguing and mysterious as it reveals a new facet each day , a hitherto , unknown dimensions of it – to us , and we are left marvelling at the mystery called life. New challenges, new opportunities , new horizons and new people criss – cross the path taken by us, as we traverse towards our final goal and learn to develop the knack , to tackle the myriad colours of life. It is as we wade through the ocean of life that each one of us must pause, ponder and deliberate …’What is the goal of my life?’ ‘What is that ‘something’ that I am searching for ?’ ‘Who can help me in my quest in understanding who am I? ‘

” You mingle , inter-act with people who have different interests , inclinations and intellectual levels … and in the process , you learn something or the other from them , and they from you. They leave an impression on you and , at times , you too, leave an indelible mark on them. They influence you in many ways. The words spoken by them , their mannerisms, habits , mindset , their foibles or strengths are , knowingly or unknowingly, imbibed by you. It is during such moments that you must weigh and analyse the nature of the traits that you are drawing from the other person. Are you learning something constructive from him ? The hours that you are spending in his company – Are they fruitful ? Are they benefiting you in any away or is it time lost for ever? Do you want to rust away like a piece of iron that cannot be used by anyone or do you want to go through the grind of life , steadfast in your determination – emerge a winner , radiating the sparkle and sheen of gold that is appreciated by one and all ? “

” The choice that you make during the impressionable years of your life determine the course that your life will take in future. You must develop an eagle eye and pick out conditions and situations conducive for your mental and spiritual growth. Can you gain anything by investing time with people who , unfortuately , are living a meaningless life – steeped in falsehood and deceit , are surrounded by sycophants and need to be awakened from their stupor of grandiosity. The only issue that interests them is to know , in detail , about what is going on in the life of their neighbors and their competitors … ‘Woh taank jhaank mein hi lagey rehtein hain.’ This is the only way to live life , they claim ! Can a person with a mindset like this guide you – help you evolve in any way ? Are you willing to be fooled by them into believing that you can learn something from them ? They feel that this lifetime is meant to be enjoyed …’ Masti maarna , jhak maarna! ‘ Nothing more than that ! Nothing beyond enjoyment ! You have to ensure that your sense organs reject all the trappings that could be offered to you by such people , and somehow or the other , you must muster the strength needed to repel all the allurements that could attract you like a magnet towards them.”

“Truth – ‘satya’ is alien ; a complete stranger to them – so much so that if honest , truthful words were spoken to them or said in their presence , they would fail to hear or detect the element of ‘ Truth ‘ in those words. So mired are they in ignorance ! Totally blinded … ‘chamak dhamak se ‘ ! And their overpowering fear of buckling under the pure influence of ‘Truth’ could be so strong that they avoid honest , truthful people like the plague ; as they know within hearts of hearts that simple , humble people mostly speak the ‘Truth’ and so , they belittle and nullify their words , with their caustic , acerbic tongue. A so called ‘ big ‘ man feels ‘small’ in the supremely sublime ambience of ‘Truth’ and thus he is compelled to resort to such juvenile behaviour and gimmicks.”

“The choice is there before you ! It is up to you to make the right choice. Will you settle for simplicity , humility and Truthfulness or opt for ostentation , opulence and Falsehood ? “

Swamiji’s message translated in Spanish

“El viaje de la vida es muy interesante, intrigante y misterioso, ya que revela una nueva faceta cada día, una dimensión desconocida hasta ahora, para nosotros, y nos quedamos maravillados con el misterio llamado vida. Nuevos desafíos, nuevas oportunidades, nuevas los horizontes y las nuevas personas se entrecruzan: cruza el camino que tomamos, mientras avanzamos hacia nuestro objetivo final y aprendemos a desarrollar la habilidad, para abordar los innumerables colores de la vida. Es a medida que avanzamos por el océano de la vida que cada uno de nosotros debe hacer una pausa, reflexionar y deliberar … “¿Cuál es el objetivo de mi vida?” ‘¿Qué es ese’ algo ‘que estoy buscando?’ “¿Quién puede ayudarme en mi búsqueda para comprender quién soy yo?”

“Se mezclan, interactúan con personas que tienen diferentes intereses, inclinaciones y niveles intelectuales … y en el proceso, aprenden algo u otro de ellos, y ellos de usted. Dejan una impresión en usted y, a veces, usted también, deja una marca indeleble en ellos. Te influyen de muchas maneras. Las palabras pronunciadas por ellos, sus modales, hábitos, mentalidad, sus debilidades o fortalezas son, consciente o inconscientemente, embebidos por ti. Es en esos momentos que debe sopesar y analizar la naturaleza de los rasgos que está extrayendo de la otra persona. ¿Está aprendiendo algo constructivo de él? Las horas que pasa en su compañía: ¿son fructíferas? ¿Le están beneficiando de alguna manera o es? el tiempo perdido para siempre ¿Quieres oxidarte como un trozo de hierro que nadie puede usar o quieres pasar por la rutina de la vida, firme en tu determinación? ¡Sé un ganador, irradiando el brillo y el brillo del oro! esa es la aplicación reciated por todos y cada uno? “

“La elección que elijas durante los años impresionables de tu vida determina el curso que tomará tu vida en el futuro. Debes desarrollar un ojo de águila y elegir condiciones y situaciones propicias para tu crecimiento mental y espiritual. ¿Puedes ganar algo invirtiendo? tiempo con personas que, desafortunadamente, viven una vida sin sentido, impregnadas de mentiras y engaños, están rodeadas de aduladores y necesitan ser despertadas de su estupor de grandiosidad. El único problema que les interesa es saber, en detalle, qué es pasando en la vida de sus vecinos y sus competidores … ¡Dicen que esta es la única forma de vivir la vida! ¿Puede una persona con una mentalidad como esta guiarlo: ayudarlo a evolucionar de alguna manera? ¿Está dispuesto a dejarse engañar por ellos? ¿Crees que puedes aprender algo de ellos? Sienten que esta vida está destinada a ser disfrutada … ¡Nada más que eso! ¡Nada más allá del disfrute! Tienes que asegurarte de que tus órganos sensoriales rechacen todo Las trampas que podrían ofrecerle esas personas, y de una forma u otra, deben reunir la fuerza necesaria para repeler todas las atracciones que podrían atraerlo como un imán hacia ellas “.

“La verdad es ajena; un completo desconocido para ellos, tanto es así que si se les hablara o dijera palabras honestas y sinceras en su presencia, no escucharían ni detectarían el elemento de ‘Verdad’ en esas palabras. ¡Están en la ignorancia! Totalmente cegados … Y su abrumador miedo a ceder bajo la pura influencia de la ‘Verdad’ podría ser tan fuerte que eviten a las personas honestas y sinceras como la peste, como saben en el corazón de los corazones que las personas simples y humildes en su mayoría hablan la “Verdad” y así, menosprecian y anulan sus palabras, con su lengua cáustica y mordaz. Un hombre llamado “grande” se siente “pequeño” en el ambiente supremamente sublime de “Verdad” y, por lo tanto, se ve obligado a recurrir a tales palabras. comportamiento juvenil y trucos “.

“¡La elección está ante usted! Depende de usted tomar la decisión correcta. ¿Se conformará con la simplicidad, la humildad y la veracidad u optará por la ostentación, la opulencia y la falsedad?”

19 thoughts on ““Learn to differentiate between those who can benefit you , take you onto the Right path and … those who are simply walking … without any purpose , without any goal …” “Sone aur lohe mein farak parakhna seekho …”

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  1. Discrimination between good and bad is very important. But we keep forgetting this value in our day to day life. Thank you Swamiji for reminding and guiding us at each single moment. Jai Gurudev

  2. Thank you Swamiji for showering your blessings in the form of such an eye opening and self awakening thought 🙏

  3. Thankyou swamiji for your wonderful guidance . We feel so protected and safe under your umbrella of grace and guiding words .

  4. Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all surround yourself with those who see greatness within you even when you do not see it yourself, like our Swamiji does. As much as people refuse to believe it, the company you keep does have an impact and influence on your choices. And as they say a man is known by the company he keeps.

    Thank you Swamiji for your guidance. Grateful, as always.

  5. Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all surround yourself with those who see greatness within you even when you do not see it yourself, like our Swamiji does. As much as people refuse to believe it, the company you keep does have an impact and influence on your choices. And as they say a man is known by the company he keeps.
    Thank you Swamiji for your guidance. Grateful, as always.

  6. Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all surround yourself with those who see greatness within you even when you do not see it yourself, like our Swamiji does. As much as people refuse to believe it, the company you keep does have an impact and influence on your choices. And as they say a man is known by the company he keeps.

    Thank you Swamiji for your guidance. Grateful, as always.

    1. The company in which we surround ourselves shape and nurture our thoughts, feelings, our mental frame of mind. We must be in the company of people who radiate positivity and truthful and try to stay away from the ones who radiate negative energy and poison your thoughts.
      Thank you Swamiji !

      With Gratitude 🙏

  7. Om gurudevo namaha. We are soo fortunate to be under your protection, we are very lucky to have a mentor like you who is always showing us and guiding us on the right path. U are the best judge to judge us and know everything about us as u are always present with each one of us. Only a guru can take care if his children and know there positives and negatives. You are the only one in the world who has polished our lives. U are responsible for our happiness and growth. Swamiji is the care taker of my life and keep guiding me time to time .I am extremely grateful to him for always being there with me and protecting me. Thanks once again for ur beautiful teachings.

  8. It is the company that shapes your words and deeds. Good company helps you learn good things. It is very sad that many people waste their precious time in useless things. Such a waste of life is the most vicious thing one can do to one’s soul. So much time is consumed, and it gives you nothing in return.
    We can use time to meditate and to study scriptures which inspire with right thoughts. We are the masters of the moments of our lives. If use them wisely, they give us our salvation.
    Under the guidance of Swamiji, we should make full use of every minute of our life towards achieving ‘that ‘ultimate goal.

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