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“You should unfailingly take out half an hour everyday , to spend it all by yourself – with only yourself – in order to understand who you are and what is the true purpose of your life.”

Swamiji says…

“Man is a social being. He becomes a part and parcel of society right from the moment he takes birth in a particular family. He gets accustomed to being preened over by doting parents, loving siblings, relatives and family friends – who gush over his looks and marvel at his marked resemblance to his parents or some other family members. As he grows up, he accepts the presence of people around him , all the time – be it in school, the streets he walks or the shops he buy his groceries from. There is no escape from the multitudes of people who surround him, crowd around him, as he jostles his way through life. He too looks forward to spending time with others, draws pleasure in interacting with them – talking to them, observing them, learning from them, imbibing their good, positive qualities. In short , he grows and thrives in the company of others.”

“Each one of you put in everything that you can to gain a foothold in the materialistic world and you are successful to a certain extent in it, but the continuous clamor of wanting more – the insatiable hunger to keep fulfilling your desires – drowns out the call of your true ‘self ‘. A call that subtly tries to remind you about the true purpose of your existence.
There is no doubt that life is demanding and you feel that the twenty-four hours of a day , at your disposal , are not enough for you to realize your dreams and aspirations. Your involvement in your illusionary world is so complete , that you uncomplainingly , spend fifteen hours on a flight – taking you from one part of the world to another – to further your business. You spend hours every week at the gym in order to maintain your physical appearance that is bound to change with age. Yet, you find it extremely difficult to find thirty minutes – only half an hour to devote to your spiritual growth – to gain proximity to your Creator – in order to know who you are. You must plan your day in such a manner that you are able to create a time slot wherein you think of Him and of your relationship with Him. You cannot afford to lose yourself in the crowd of the teeming millions around you and , live a life ordinaire , without as much as thinking for a moment about the true purpose of your life ! You cannot let this golden opportunity of knowing God , slip away from your hands !”

” You must give a serious and deliberate thought to what your mission is and what it should be in this lifetime. It would certainly not be possible for you to delve deep within your ‘self ‘ in the midst of people swarming all around you – but this can be practiced by you only in solitude and seclusion – ‘ tanhaai mein’. when you are all alone , in your own company. You must try your level best to allow your thoughts to rest on the significance of the rituals that you practice; understand how they have benefited you in growing closer to God ; in establishing a connection with Him. Noble , motivating thoughts like these will encourage you further to realize Him, finally, one day.”

” ‘ Har ek ka jivan ka saar hona chahiye. Tumhe pata hona chahiye ki tumhe kya karna hai is jivan mein…’ You should have a clear-cut definition of what it is that you want to achieve in this lifetime. There is much more to life than only money and fame.The spiritual dimension of life , when tested and tried by you , opens gateways that truly enrich you. You experience the real meaning of ‘cleansing ‘ of your ‘soul’ – accept the reality that the ‘body’ and ‘soul’ are separate entities , and that you should involve the body in worldly matters and let the soul focus solely on God – when your heart beats and dances in unison with the rythm divine – when you see for yourself that you are nothing but light – only when there is no one else around you , but God and you alone.The melody that your life is , should be your own composition, the lyrics of which should be dialogues of the conversation that you have with God, imploring Him to present Himself to you in His divine glory…and He responds to you by rewarding you with a glimpse of His magnificent all pervading presence.”

Swamiji’s message translated in Spanish

“Deberías dedicar media hora todos los días para gastarlo solo, solo contigo mismo, para comprender quién eres y cuál es el verdadero propósito de tu vida”.

“El hombre es un ser social. Se convierte en parte integrante de la sociedad desde el momento en que nace en una familia en particular. Se acostumbra a ser engañado por padres cariñosos, hermanos amorosos, parientes y amigos de la familia, que se deleitan con su aspecto y se maravillan de su marcado parecido con sus padres o algunos otros miembros de la familia. A medida que crece, acepta la presencia de personas a su alrededor, todo el tiempo, ya sea en la escuela, en las calles que camina o en las tiendas donde compra sus comestibles. No hay escapatoria de las multitudes de personas que lo rodean, se amontonan a su alrededor, mientras se abre paso a través de la vida. Él también espera pasar tiempo con los demás, se complace en interactuar con ellos: hablar con ellos, observarlos, aprender de ellos, asimilar sus cualidades buenas y positivas. En resumen, crece y prospera en compañía de otros “.

“Cada uno de ustedes pone todo lo que puede para establecerse en el mundo materialista y tiene éxito hasta cierto punto en él, pero el clamor continuo de querer más, el hambre insaciable de seguir cumpliendo sus deseos, ahoga el llamada de tu verdadero “yo”. Una llamada que trata sutilmente de recordarte sobre el verdadero propósito de tu existencia.
No hay duda de que la vida es exigente y usted siente que las veinticuatro horas del día, a su disposición, no son suficientes para realizar sus sueños y aspiraciones. Su participación en su mundo ilusorio es tan completa que, sin quejarse, pasa quince horas en un vuelo, que lo llevará de una parte del mundo a otra, para impulsar su negocio. Pasas horas todas las semanas en el gimnasio para mantener tu apariencia física que cambiará con la edad. Sin embargo, le resulta extremadamente difícil encontrar treinta minutos, solo media hora para dedicar a su crecimiento espiritual, para acercarse a su Creador, para saber quién es usted. Debe planificar su día de tal manera que pueda crear un intervalo de tiempo en el que piense en Él y en su relación con Él. ¡No puede permitirse el lujo de perderse entre la multitud de millones que lo rodean y vivir una vida ordinaria, sin siquiera pensar por un momento en el verdadero propósito de su vida! ¡No puedes dejar que esta oportunidad de oro de conocer a Dios se te escape de las manos!

“Debes pensar seriamente en cuál es tu misión y cuál debería ser en esta vida. Ciertamente no sería posible profundizar en tu” yo “en medio de las personas que pululan a tu alrededor, pero Usted puede practicar esto solo en soledad y reclusión, cuando esté solo, en su propia compañía. Debe hacer su mejor esfuerzo para permitir que sus pensamientos descansen sobre la importancia de los rituales que practica; entienda cómo se han beneficiado usted al acercarse a Dios; al establecer una conexión con Él. Pensamientos nobles y motivadores como estos lo alentarán aún más a darse cuenta de Él, finalmente, un día “.

“Debería tener una definición clara de lo que quiere lograr en esta vida. Hay mucho más en la vida que solo dinero y fama. La dimensión espiritual de la vida, cuando la prueba y prueba, abre puertas que realmente te enriquece. Experimenta el verdadero significado de ‘limpieza’ de su ‘alma’ – acepte la realidad de que el ‘cuerpo’ y el ‘alma’ son entidades separadas, y que debe involucrar al cuerpo en asuntos mundanos y dejar que el alma se concentre únicamente en Dios, cuando su corazón late y baila al unísono con el ritmo divino, cuando ve por sí mismo que no es más que luz, solo cuando no hay nadie más a su alrededor, sino Dios y usted solo. es, debería ser tu propia composición, la letra de la cual debería ser el diálogo de la conversación que tienes con Dios, implorándole que se presente a ti en Su gloria divina … y Él te responde recompensándote con un vistazo de Su magnífica toda presencia dominante “.

17 thoughts on ““Tanhaai”

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  1. Beautiful message by our Swamiji. Its extremely important to have a date with your soul everyday which is the last thing we ever think of…our vision is outwards and we need to divert it towards our innerself, introspect and discover our own wealth. Thats the only path to eternal peace.

  2. Jai Gurudev Swamiji.
    Going through these messages we feel like performing rituals and moving on spirituality in solitude

  3. When you begin to come into a higher knowing of yourself, when you begin to connect deeply with Truth, the need for distractions naturally start to fall away and even the will to be social or engage in the outer life is just not going to be there anymore for a while.

    Instead you begin to enjoy being with yourself, in nature, and in solitude.

    Thank you Swamiji for your blessings.

    Grateful as always.

  4. Beautiful message. Being with your own self in solitude is so fruitful n enjoyable. Swamiji thank you so much for guiding n reminding us to do our own sadhna. Nai gurudev.

  5. Solitude is a real bliss. It is the state of being alone, especially when you find this pleasant.
    “Golden opportunity of knowing God “, ” when you are all alone, in your own company “, “let the soul focus solely on God “, ” when there is no one else around you, but God and you alone “…. it’s a wonderful feeling when contemplating on these lines of Swamiji!!!
    We are grateful to you Swamiji …for being in our lives 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  6. आत्मचिन्तन,आत्ममन्थन और आत्म अनुभूति के प्रेरणादायी संदेश से स्वामी जी ने हमारे जीवन के उद्देश्य का बोध करा के हमें धन्य कर दिया।
    स्वाजी के चरणों में नमन करता हूँ।

  7. It’s a time tested principle of self realization.
    Staying with oneself , staying in solitude.
    It automatically prompts one to go within and think about the deeper meaning of life. Clearly , the easiest way to progress spiritually is to stay solitary for sometime , everyday.
    Jai guru dev

  8. Amazing and inspiring words from beloved Swamiji..
    With your presence and guidance…we shall not get astray..
    Pranam and live again Swamiji..

    1. Solitude allows you to reboot your brain and unwind. Constantly being “on” doesn’t give your brain a chance to rest and replenish itself. Being by yourself with no distractions gives you the chance to clear your mind, focus, and think more clearly. It’s an opportunity to revitalize your mind and body at the same time.

      Thanks Swamiji !



  9. The spiritual disciplines of silence and solitude may be quiet, but they’re also full of adventure, because God Himself is waiting to meet you there. Whenever you get away from the noise and busyness of life to encounter God through silence and solitude, He will change your soul in ways that go beyond words.

    Thank you Swamiji for your guidance.

  10. Om gurudevo namaha. Such a beautiful preaching. The more you study, the more u get into the deepth of the Sandesh. Swamiji has always taught that we all have a mission in life. We all have the potential to analyze our mission and work on it. For that we need to take out time and analyze our selves and tap our potential. Once u take the action God is always there to guide us and show the right path to walk on. We need to be one in our thoughts and deeds With our gurus Guide and teachings. I owe my gratitude to our Priyee Swamiji who is always working on enlighting us and show the right path to connect to God and achieve enlightenment.

  11. Extremely valid message and “Must” to practice in today’s confusing and restless lifestyle… Jai Swami Ajay Guru Devaya Namaha

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