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” ‘कर्म’ करो, ‘फल’ की इच्छा मत करो।”

Swamiji said …

” हमारा जीवन हमारी ‘कर्मभूमि’ है
और हमारे ‘कर्म’ हमेशा याद रखे जाते हैं।’ This world that we take birth in is our ‘कर्मभूमि’ – ‘karmbhoomi’ – where the soul performs various good’ deeds, using the body that it inhabits, in the hope of freeing itself from the cycle of rebirth.Yet, we, remain enamoured by the ‘maya’ of the world. We seek money, wealth, fame and fortune.
We work endlessly for these. Everyday we spend hours on end working, doing one कर्म after another, in the hope of getting a ‘return’ for the fruits of our labour; of our ‘कर्म’।”

“We tend to forget that our happiness and sorrow is pre-destined. The ‘good’ and ‘bad’ ‘कर्म’ that we have accumulated over our past lives will catch up with us, one way or the other, at a certain point in time.There is no escape from one’s past ‘कर्म’ and we have to bear the consequences and repercussions of every कर्म of ours.The only thing, thus, left for us to do is to control the quality, nature and intent of our actions now and not seek any benefits from the ‘कर्म’ that is being done by us.”

“Unfortunately, man does not exercise such wisdom or mindfulness in his actions. He acts only ‘to get’. Even before completing the task on hand, he starts thinking about the profit that he will make on completion of his ‘कर्म’.Instead, why don’t we try to ensure that the blank pages of ‘The Book of our ”कर्म” are filled with vivid accounts of our actions and deeds ; pure, selfless, devoid of all expectations and without any vested interest ; so much so that God too feels vindicated and proud on seeing His creation doing his ‘कर्म” without giving a thought to the ‘कर्म फल’ !”

” Consider a student who studies hard to score the highest marks in the exam. While such an achievement will surely bring him fame and pride, one must look deeper and ask – Does the thought of topping the class or college serve as the only motivator for a student? Would he not be better off without the stress of such a heavy burden? Would he, who in such a case, studies solely to top the examination, ever develop a thirst for knowledge far beyond his student years? Would such a student have even truly imbibed and understood the various lessons studied by him or were the lessons learnt only to score high in the exam and earn appreciation from others? Did the importance of receiving education fade somewhere in the background?”

” However, we most certainly must enjoy the moment that we get to do a noble, good ‘कर्म’. We must learn to find happiness in the completion of our duties and carry out our responsibilities without any expectations. ‘ ‘कर्म’ karte huey hum ‘कर्म फल’ ki aasha kyun kartein hain ? Why can’t we do our ‘कर्म’ without thinking about the reward, result, the benefit that we could receive on completing it ? Why don’t we offer every ‘कर्म’ of ours to ‘Ishwar’, request him to bless ‘it’ and to give us the strength to focus only on our ‘कर्म’ and not reflect on the fruit of our ”कर्म’ as we get attached to the ‘कर्मफल’ then.”

” ‘ हमारे ‘कर्म’ ही हमारी पहचान हैं –
and when we do our ‘कर्म’ with a sense of detachment – when we are in no way bound and affected by the outcome of our ‘कर्म’ – that particular moment becomes a moment of spiritual awakening as it is then that we realise that..’ ‘कर्मफल ‘ ‘Ishwar’ ke haath mein hota hai !”

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