
In Spanish


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La vie

In Japanese


In Arabic

الحياة alhaya

Swamiji says …

” ‘Jeevan woh hi achcha hai jis mein tum doosron ke liye bhi sochte ho !’ Do you ever realize how blessed you are to have taken birth …’manushya yoni mein’ … in the form of a human being – endowed with intelligence, competence, emotions and talents. You somehow drift away from these numerous gifts , in your constant chase of trying to maintain the back – breaking speed of ‘your’ demanding life – focusing intently on making things better for ‘yourself’ and ‘your’ loved ones, taking care of ‘their’ welfare, ‘your’ financial affairs , ‘your’ property.”

“Undoubtedly , your issues are of vital importance to ‘you’ and you want to ensure that ‘your’ life runs smoothly – like a well-oiled machine. ‘You’ go all out to ensure that ‘your’ vested interests give ‘you’ good returns and ‘you’ continuously strive to dapple in any field that will reap beneficial dividends for ‘you’ and ‘your’ family. Is this your definition of life ? Me, mine and myself ! These words take precedence over and above everything else. Is life only about you and your welfare ? You have confined your life to a world that is inhabited only by you and your immediate family. It begins with you and ends only with you. Others cease to matter to you. And to make matters worse – the saddest part is that you are actually happy living a life as warped as this.”

“In case you are leading a life as hollow as this, it becomes on you to be keenly aware of the divine beauty of the life that you have been blessed with. This life is a gift – Cherish it ! Celebrate it! Spread happiness and good will wherever you go! What kind of a person are you if you think – only, and only about yourself, all the time? Are you so deeply immersed in the trials and tribulations of your personal life that you have become uncaring and disinterested in the life of others around you – even if it’s your relatives or friends? Don’t other people exist or matter to you? Have you become so self-centered that it is impossible for you to find either the time, or, means to listen to the woes , or , to extend a helping hand, in the hour of need to others? Are you not interested in the birth, life and death of others? Or is that you’re simply not affected by these ‘Oh so run – of – the – mill mundane things?’
You reason – ‘Why should I waste my time , and sweat thinking about others?’ Your lame excuse is – ‘After all it is their life and I have nothing to do with them!’ You are selfishly content, as everything is hunky dory and perfect with you , and for you. In addition, to add to your happiness is the brand of being labelled a ‘ human being ‘ – God’s best and perfect creation ! But that doesn’t deter you from behaving in a manner that contradicts all ethics of social living. ‘Woh jeevan kis kaam ka jis mey insaan apne hi baare mein sochta hai ! ‘ ”

“Emotions of compassion, concern and a caring attitude for others should never take a backseat. Your life should be a memoir which will bring you satisfaction and genuine happiness , on recalling a few kind gestures of yours – a few minutes spent in listening to another person’s ordeal; helping another person cross a difficult bridge; when you brought a smile , a ray of hope and a revival of faith in humanity – on the other person’s face. You need to live a life that is beautiful and meaningful – a life in which you take others along with you – relate with their difficulties. A life in which you help others solve their problems, rejoice with them at the birth of a newborn, and grieve with them at the loss of a loved one. A life where you occasionally think beyond yourself, look at others too with respect, care, and let them know that you are around and that they can rely on you – both, in glory and in war.
Be involved, but do not interfere. Be helpful, but do not be domineering. Give, love, care and be magnanimous. Be an exemplary human being.”

” Give your Creator too an opportunity to applaud you , as you take the stage to perform your role in this cinema of life , the way He had wanted you to , while He was creating you.”

Swamiji’s message translated in Spanish

“¿Alguna vez te das cuenta de lo bendecido que eres de haber nacido en forma de un ser humano, dotado de inteligencia, competencia, emociones y talentos. De alguna manera te alejas de estos numerosos dones, en tu constante persecución de tratar de mantener la espalda – rompiendo la velocidad de ‘su’ vida exigente – centrándose intensamente en mejorar las cosas para ‘usted’ y ‘sus’ seres queridos, cuidando ‘su’ bienestar, ‘sus’ asuntos financieros ‘, su’ propiedad ‘”.

“Sin lugar a dudas, sus problemas son de vital importancia para ‘usted’ y desea asegurarse de que ‘su’ vida funcione sin problemas, como una máquina bien engrasada ‘. Usted hace todo lo posible para asegurarse de que’ sus ‘intereses creados le den’ ‘buenos retornos’ y ‘usted’ se esfuerzan continuamente por intervenir en cualquier campo que coseche beneficios beneficiosos para ‘usted’ y ‘su’ familia. ¿Es esta su definición de vida? ¡Yo, mía y yo! Estas palabras tienen prioridad sobre todo de lo contrario. ¿La vida es solo tuya y de tu bienestar? Has confinado tu vida a un mundo habitado solo por ti y tu familia inmediata. Comienza contigo y termina solo contigo. Otros dejan de ser importantes para ti. las cosas son peores: la parte más triste es que en realidad eres feliz viviendo una vida tan retorcida como esta “.

“En caso de que lleves una vida tan hueca como esta, te toca a ti ser muy consciente de la belleza divina de la vida con la que has sido bendecido. Esta vida es un regalo. ¡Aprecialo! ¡Celebra! Divulga felicidad y ¡Buena voluntad donde quiera que vayas! ¿Qué clase de persona eres si piensas, solo y solo sobre ti, todo el tiempo? ¿Estás tan profundamente inmerso en las pruebas y tribulaciones de tu vida personal que te has vuelto indiferente y desinteresado? la vida de los que te rodean, ¿incluso si son tus parientes o amigos? ¿No existen otras personas o te importan? ¿Te has vuelto tan egocéntrico que te es imposible encontrar el tiempo o significa escuchar? a los infortunios, o, para extender una mano amiga, en la hora de necesidad para otros? ¿No estás interesado en el nacimiento, la vida y la muerte de otros? ¿O es que simplemente no estás afectado por estos ‘Oh, corre? de las cosas mundanas del molino?

Usted razona: “¿Por qué debería perder mi tiempo y sudar pensando en los demás?” Su excusa es: “¡Después de todo, es su vida y no tengo nada que ver con ellos!” Estás egoístamente contento, ya que todo es hory y perfecto para ti y para ti. Además, agregar a su felicidad es la marca de ser etiquetado como ‘ser humano’: ¡la mejor y perfecta creación de Dios! Pero eso no te impide comportarte de una manera que contradiga toda ética de la vida social.

“Las emociones de compasión, preocupación y una actitud afectuosa por los demás nunca deberían quedar en segundo plano. Tu vida debe ser una memoria que te brinde satisfacción y felicidad genuina, al recordar algunos gestos amables tuyos, unos minutos dedicados a escuchar a otro la prueba de la persona; ayudar a otra persona a cruzar un puente difícil; cuando trajiste una sonrisa, un rayo de esperanza y un renacimiento de la fe en la humanidad, en la cara de la otra persona. Necesitas vivir una vida hermosa y significativa, una vida en que llevas a otros contigo – relaciona sus dificultades. Una vida en la que ayudas a otros a resolver sus problemas, te regocijas con ellos en el nacimiento de un recién nacido y lloras con ellos por la pérdida de un ser querido. Una vida donde ocasionalmente piensa más allá de ti mismo, mira a los demás con respeto, cuidado y hazles saber que estás cerca y que pueden confiar en ti, tanto en la gloria como en la guerra.
Participe, pero no interfiera. Sé útil, pero no seas dominante. Da, ama, cuida y sé magnánimo. Sé un ser humano ejemplar “.

“Dale a tu Creador también la oportunidad de aplaudirte, mientras subes al escenario para interpretar tu papel en este cine de la vida, de la forma en que Él quería que lo hicieras, mientras te creaba”.

19 thoughts on ““Jeevan”

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  1. What a beautiful compilation and narration…. juice of the topic is essenced extraordinarily in the last two paragraphs… can’t keep my emotion in check especially reading the last paragraph… Jai Swami Ajay Guru Devaya Namaha…

  2. We must remember that all of our achievements were possible because someone helped us to achieve our goals. It may be financially, physically or psychologically. We must be thankful for that and extend the same to others also who needs it.
    Thank you Swamiji for guiding us🙏🏻

  3. Absolutely, we should do something in life which makes our creator happy….after all this life is just like a movie and we being the characters….the movie ends with our last breath so let’s make our characters ever memorable.

  4. Very true another important message of life,shared by our Swamiji.

    Om Shri Swami Ajaye Gurudevaye Namah 🙏🙏

  5. Happiness that we feel from self contentment doesn’t last forever, after all we all need each other, in times of both ups and downs. Getting involved in each other’s experiences gives real contentment.
    Pranam Swamiji for another wonderful thought.

  6. एक इन्सान जो केवल अपने व अपने परिवार के बारे में ही सोचता है तथा कभी किसी और के बारे में न तो सोचता,न ही अपने परिवार के सिवाय कीसी और के लिए कुछ करता है,उस इन्सान में और एक मरे हुए इन्सान में कोई अन्तर नहीं होता।
    These were the golden words of our Swamiji said in 2016.
    Yes, it’s not enough to think only of your family ‘s welfare. We have to take time out of our busy lives to do at least some good to the society. There is a lo…..t to extend our helping hand outside our homes. धन्य हैं वो लोग,जो गोशाला में अपना जीवन व्यतीत करते हैं, जो अनाथों के सेवा में समय सदुपयोग करते हैं ।🙏
    as our Swamiji rightly said, this life is a cinema. माना कि इसका निर्देशक स्वयं ईश्वर हैं,उन्ही के characters हैं हम,but…. even a director has his favorite characters. Why can’t we be one of those ‘HIS’ favorites?!
    Swamiji…you have to help us achieve that applaud from the Director of this cinema called life. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  7. How beautifu l!!
    Swamiji has so beautifully explained the meaning of EMPATHY.
    Be concerned , feel others’ pain , have helping attitude. But at the same time don’t look like interfering in their lives.
    Swamiji teaches this by his own example.
    He listens to our woes like a mother and gives advice and solutions. But if we don’t give value to what he teaches , then he simply ignores. He doesn’t interfere.
    Dear Swamiji … please keep on enlightening us.

  8. “अपने लिये जिये तो क्या जिये – २
    तू जी, ऐ दिल, ज़माने के लिये”
    स्वामी जी से बेहतर और उदाहरण क्या हो सकता है?वह अपना हर पल दूसरों के लिए ही देते हैं।भक्तों के कष्टों का निपटारा हो या फिर आध्यात्मिक ,सामाजिक और अन्य उन्नति स्वामी जी हम सभी को देते है बिना किसी लालसा के। स्वामी का यह संदेश कि अपने जीवन को भी पर सेवा में लगाना चाहिए वह भी हमारी उन्नति के रास्ते को सुनिश्चित करता है।
    स्वामी जी के चरणों में नमन करता हूँ।

  9. Wonderful message
    A much needed enlightenment in this life, rapidly changing world where we are forgetting the true meaning of Life
    Thank you Swami Ji for your guidance
    Pranaam Swami Ji 🙏

  10. There is a Chinese saying that goes: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.” For centuries, the greatest thinkers have suggested the same thing: Happiness is found in helping others. So instead of only thinking about yourself and your advancement see how you can bring happiness to others, alleviate their sufferings and make them feel wanted. Who knows your such actions may give them a fresh lease of life.

    Thank you Swamiji for your teachings and blessings.

    Grateful as always.

  11. There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up. Not for ourselves alone are we born.
    Thank you Swamiji for your guidance.

  12. Thank you Swamiji again for this enlightening message… whenever there is an uphavel in our thoughts your blessings always come in the form of these excellent messages..🙏🙏🙏

  13. Om gurudevo namaha. What a amazing Sandesh. It has so many things to learn, not only learn but we should implement in our lives, to make it a qualitative and meaningful life full of joy and happiness.i have learnt from Swamiji the more u spread love, compassion and concern. The more satisfied u live. I do it everyday without expecting anything from anyone. My actions give me a sense of living and self achievement. He has trained me and changed my life drastically. Honestly expressing I love to dress up and look different from others but at the same time my heart has become clearer and more simpler. With his grace of Swamiji where I have learned and implemented all of his teachings as his words mean a lot to me. They are like gem stones. When ever I an upset or disturbed of anything I usually call him and he makes sure that I calm down and do as he is saying, as there is lot of peace and love after it. I have Soooo much to say and express. Which I will do one day by writing a book on Swamijis saying and how u can really transform ur life. The choice is ours as we have Swamijis blessings and guidance for the welfare of everyone. Pranam

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